न्युनतम वेतन अधिनियम
अधिनियम के तहत लाभ :
Re-narration by Amrapali in Hindi targeting India for this web page
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न्युनतम वेतन अधिनियम
अधिनियम के तहत लाभ :
Re-narration by Amrapali in Hindi targeting India for this web page
ಸಂಚಯ ನೆಲೆ
Re-narration by Pradeep in Kannada targeting Bangalore, India for this web page
"Deep engagement with CSOs will be necessary in pastoral policy development, as these organisations can provide necessary.
Re-narration by Pradeep in English targeting Bangalore, India for this web page
Re-narration by Amrapali in English audio targeting India for this web page
पॉवेल जल सिस्टम्स इंक
विद्युतातांचन जल उपचार निर्वहन मानकों और अनुपालन आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने के लिए अलग किफायती और पर्यावरण विकल्प है. निर्वहन फीस और जुर्माना को नाबूद करने से, संसाधनों संचयन, और पानी प्रतिस्थापन लागत को काफी कम करने से पूंजी और परिचालन लागत (कींमत)वसूल हो सकती है
पॉवेल पानी सिस्टम्स, इंक प्रौद्योगिकी कुशलतापूर्वक एक एकल प्रणाली के साथ प्रदूषक की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला को हटाती है.. पारंपरिक जल उपचार में पानी से बैक्टीरिया, गाद, कीटनाशकों, भारी धातुओं, और तेल को दूर करने के लिये, अलग अलग प्रकार के उपकरणों की आवश्यकता होती है, व्यापक स्पेक्ट्रम प्रभाव एक प्रणाली एकल प्रदूषक उपकरणों की लागत, स्थान, और समय पर कई प्रदूषक को एक साथ दूर करने के लिए अनुमति देता है. परिणाम बेहतर स्वास्थ्य, वित्तीय संसाधनों का समझदार उपयोग, और हमारे बच्चों, हमारे पोते, और खुद के आनंद के लिए एक क्लीनर दुनिया है.
पॉवेल जल सिस्टम्स इंक, पोर्टेबल बेंच पैमाने विद्युतातांचन के इलाज साइट पर विद्युतातांचन के लाभ का प्रदर्शन करने के लिए उपयुक्त यूनिटों को विकसित किया है. यदि आप अतिरिक्त जानकारी या विद्युतातांचन प्रक्रिया का एक प्रदर्शन करना चाहते हैं, पावेल जल सिस्टम्स इंक, कृपया संपर्क करें
क्रोमियम जल पहले / बाद मे
मांस प्रतिपादन संयंत्र
भाप क्लीनर व्यर्थ जल
(कार्गो वैन धोया पानी पहले / बाद मे /छनित )
विद्युतातांचन क्षमताओं
भारी धातुओं को आक्साइड कि TCLP से गुजारें के रूप में निकालता है
निलंबित और श्लैष ठोस निकालता है
पानी में तेल emulsions को तोड़ता है.
वसा, तेल, तेल और निकालता है
जटिल जैविक निकालता है
बैक्टीरिया, वायरस और अल्सर को नष्ट कर देता है और हटा देता है
विद्युतातांचन लाभ
निर्वहन आवश्यकताएँ को पूरा करना
कीचड़ मात्रा में कमी
रसायन मुक्त
एकाधिक प्रदूषक की प्रक्रिया
5% ठोस कचरा धाराओं के साथ प्रक्रिया.
हार्वेस्ट प्रोटीन, तेल, और धातु
Re-narration by Amrapali in Hindi targeting India for this web page
BOTHBOTH. The appropriate government has the option of fixing minimum wages:
What constitutes a “Normal working day”?(S.13)
Re-narration by Hoe in Spam targeting India for this web page
हम नारियों की संस्थाएं जो महिलाओं को एक दुसरे के साथ ओनलाईन संपर्क जोडना चाहती है. एसी संस्थाओं के लिये हमने नारी संगठन की स्थापना की है.
Re-narration by Amrapali in Hindi targeting india for this web page
Re-narration by Amrapali in English targeting Indian Ground, Barbados for this web page
The law which decides that minimum wages should be paid, applies to only
those kinds of workers whom the government feel is in need of
protection. The government adds the kinds of work they do, whether it is
for example domestic work to a list. If more that one thousand workers
are doing such kind of work, then the government has to fix a minimum
wage for workers doing that type of work. Some times the government may
fix a minimum wage for work in which less than a thousand workers are
employed. They have the freedom to decide.
Re-narration by Amrapali in English targeting India for this web page
A “minimum statutory wage” is that which the statute prescribes
and it may be higher than the bare subsistence wage providing for
some measure of education, medical requirements and amenities.
The SC has held that statutory wage under the Act aims to ensure
not only subsistence for the employee and his family but also
preserve his efficiency as a worker.
Re-narration by hajjs in spam targeting Chennai, India for this web page
"Deep engagement with CSOs will be necessary in pastoral policy development.
Re-narration by Pradeep in English targeting Bangalore, India for this web page
If an employment is notified under the Act apart from making
payment of a minimum wage mandatory several other
provisions beneficial to the workers apply:
The law which decides that minimum wages
should be paid, applies to only those kinds of workers whom the
government feel is in need of protection. The government adds the kinds
of work they do, whether it is for example domestic work to a list. If
more that one thousand workers are doing such kind of work, then the
government has to fix a minimum wage for workers doing that type of
work. Some times the government may fix a minimum wage for work in which
less than a thousand workers are employed. They have the freedom to
Re-narration by Amrapali in English targeting India for this web page
The law which decides that minimum wages
should be paid, applies to only those kinds of workers whom the
government feel is in need of protection. The government adds the kinds
of work they do, whether it is for example domestic work to a list. If
more that one thousand workers are doing such kind of work, then the
government has to fix a minimum wage for workers doing that type of
work. Some times the government may fix a minimum wage for work in which
less than a thousand workers are employed. They have the freedom to
Re-narration by Amrapali in English targeting India for this web page
A “minimum statutory wage” is that which the statute prescribes
and it may be higher than the bare subsistence wage providing for
some measure of education, medical requirements and amenities.
The SC has held that statutory wage under the Act aims to ensure
not only subsistence for the employee and his family but also
preserve his efficiency as a worker.10
Re-narration by hajjs in spam targeting Kerala, Finland for this web page
The government has interfered in this issue
between the employer and employee because in several cases workers are
too poor to obtain a decent wage from employers and have to take what is
given. It is to protect these kind of weak and vulnerable workers that
government has come in between and made minimum wage rules which the
employer has to obey. As to how much that minimum wage should be, the
highest court in India the Supreme Court has said that the wage
should be more than what is necessary for physical existence of the
worker and his or her family means . It should be enough to maintain his
or her efficiency as a worker.In case of non-payment, applications
should be made to the Labour Commissioner of Payment of Wages Act.
workers should only work for eight hours in a day.
f they work more than that they have to be paid an extra amount.
The law which decides that minimum wages
should be paid, applies to only those kinds of workers whom the
government feel is in need of protection. The government adds the kinds
of work they do, whether it is for example domestic work to a list. If
more that one thousand workers are doing such kind of work, then the
government has to fix a minimum wage for workers doing that type of
work. Some times the government may fix a minimum wage for work in which
less than a thousand workers are employed. They have the freedom to
Re-narration by Amrapali in English targeting India for this web page
Wages is what workers get in return for their labour for the employer.
Indian law governing the employer-employee relationship has laid down
the minimum wage that has to be paid to workers by the employer for
various different types of work. This law is called the Minimum Wages
Act. According to it, irrespective of what the employer wants to pay, he
has to pay at least the amount of wages that the government has fixed.
He is free to pay more and if he is already paying more for a
particular work he has to continue to pay that higher amount.
Re-narration by Amrapali in English targeting India for this web page
A “minimum statutory wage” is that which the statute prescribes
and it may be higher than the bare subsistence wage providing for
some measure of education, medical requirements and amenities.
The SC has held that statutory wage under the Act aims to ensure
not only subsistence for the employee and his family but also
preserve his efficiency as a worker
Re-narration by spammer in spam targeting india for this web page
Wages is what workers get in return for their
labour for the employer. Indian law governing the employer-employee
relationship has laid down the minimum wage that has to be paid to
workers by the employer for various different types of work. This law is
called the Minimum Wages Act. According to it, irrespective of what the
employer wants to pay, he has to pay at least the amount of wages that
the government has fixed. He is free to pay more and if he is already
paying more for a particular work he has to continue to pay that higher
The government has interfered in this issue between the employer and
employee because in several cases workers are too poor to obtain a
decent wage from employers and have to take what is given. It is to
protect these kind of weak and vulnerable workers that government has
come in between and made minimum wage rules which the employer has to
obey. As to how much that minimum wage should be, the highest court in
India the Supreme Court has said that the wage should be more than
what is necessary for physical existence of the worker and his or her
family means . It should be enough to maintain his or her efficiency as a
worker.In case of non-payment, applications should be made to the
Labour Commissioner of Payment of Wages Act.
If an employment is notified under the Act apart from making
payment of a minimum wage mandatory several other
provisions beneficial to the workers apply:
Maximum number of hours of work is fixed :workers should only work for eight hours in a day.
If they work more than that they have to be paid an extra amount.
Extra payment over and above the fixed wage for Overtime.
Workers should be given one day holiday in every week they have worked.
The law which decides that minimum wages
should be paid, applies to only those kinds of workers whom the
government feel is in need of protection. The government adds the kinds
of work they do, whether it is for example domestic work to a list. If
more that one thousand workers are doing such kind of work, then the
government has to fix a minimum wage for workers doing that type of
work. Some times the government may fix a minimum wage for work in which
less than a thousand workers are employed. They have the freedom to
Re-narration by Amrapali in Simple English targeting India for this web page
Wages is what workers get in return for their labour for the employer.
Indian law governing the employer-employee relationship has laid down
the minimum wage that has to be paid to workers by the employer for
various different types of work. This law is called the Minimum Wages
Act. According to it, irrespective of what the employer wants to pay, he
has to pay at least the amount of wages that the government has fixed.
He is free to pay more and if he is already paying more for a
particular work he has to continue to pay that higher amount.
The government has interfered in this issue between the employer and
employee because in several cases workers are too poor to obtain a
decent wage from employers and have to take what is given. It is to
protect these kind of weak and vulnerable workers that government has
come in between and made minimum wage rules which the employer has to
obey. As to how much that minimum wage should be, the highest court in
India the Supreme Court has said that the wage should be more than
what is necessary for physical existence of the worker and his or her
family means . It should be enough to maintain his or her efficiency as a
worker.In case of non-payment, applications should be made to the
Labour Commissioner of Payment of Wages Act.
If an employment is notified under the Act apart from making
payment of a minimum wage mandatory several other
provisions beneficial to the workers apply:
workers should only work for eight hours in a day.
If they work more than that they have to be paid an extra amount.
Workers should be given one day holiday in every week they have worked.
The law which decides that minimum wages should be paid, applies to only those kinds of workers whom the government feel is in need of protection. The government adds the kinds of work they do, whether it is for example domestic work to a list. If more that one thousand workers are doing such kind of work, then the government has to fix a minimum wage for workers doing that type of work. Some times the government may fix a minimum wage for work in which less than a thousand workers are employed. They have the freedom to decide.
Re-narration by Amrapali in Simple English targeting India for this web page
A “minimum statutory wage” is that which the statute prescribes
and it may be higher than the bare subsistence wage providing for
some measure of education, medical requirements and amenities.
The SC has held that statutory wage under the Act aims to ensure
not only subsistence for the employee and his family but also
preserve his efficiency as a worker.
Re-narration by arvind in Arabic targeting india for this web page
A “minimum statutory wage” is that which the statute prescribes
and it may be higher than the bare subsistence wage providing for
some measure of education, medical requirements and amenities.
The SC has held that statutory wage under the Act aims to ensure
not only subsistence for the employee and his family but also
preserve his efficiency as a worker.
Re-narration by Arvind in Arabic targeting India for this web page
A “minimum statutory wage” is that which the statute prescribes
and it may be higher than the bare subsistence wage providing for
some measure of education, medical requirements and amenities.
The SC has held that statutory wage under the Act aims to ensure
not only subsistence for the employee and his family but also
preserve his efficiency as a worker.
Re-narration by Arvind in Arabic targeting india for this web page
वेतन का पुनरीक्षण
न्यूनतम वेतन से संबंधित कानून
वेतन का पुनरीक्षण 2 कारणों के लिए मुख्य रूप से आवश्यक है: १) मुद्रास्फीति (इन्फ्लेशन ) की वजह से पैसे की वास्तविक मूल्यं की घटको ऊपलब्ध कराने के लिए और २) श्रमिकों को विकास के फल में साझा करने के लिए |
न्यूनतम वेतन किस आधार पर - समय के आधार पर , अर्थात् कितने घंटे काम किया है
या नंग की संख्या के आधार पर निर्धारित किया जाता है?(S.(2)(c))
या दोनों के आधार पर. उचित सरकार को न्यूनतम वेतन आधार तय करने का विकल्प हैं|
न्यूनतमवेतन दर काम के समय पर (कितने घंटे काम किया) :
या एक दिन में तय किये गये नंग की संख्या बनाने के लिए न्यूनतम दर
एक् दिन में निर्धारित नंग काम पर नियोजित कर्मचारियों के लिए पारिश्रमिक समय की न्यूनतम दर के आधार पर वेतन का दर (गारंटी समय काम" के रूप में संदर्भित ) निर्धारित किया जाता है|
एक "सामान्य कार्य दिवस " किसे कहते है? (S.13)
न्यूनतम् वेतन दर का अधिनियम "एक सामान्य कार्य दिवस" के घंटों की संख्या निर्धारित करता है| यह ज़रुरी है ताकि निर्धार्रित समय में काम का वेतन और समय रेटेड काम (मतलब एक दिन में अमुक नंग तैयार करना, जैसे गार्मेन्ट उद्योग में एक दिनमें ५० शर्ट तैयार करना) वे दोनों के वेतन में समानता रहे जिससे जहां ओवरटाइम के वेतन का दर निर्धारित न हो और कर्मचारियों को तय किये गये नंग बनाने के लिये अगर लंबे समय काम करने की आवश्यकता हो तो, समय के आधार पर ओवरटाइम का वेतन भुगतान किया जा सके|.
धिनियममें व्यवस्था है कि प्रति दिन काम के घंटे की संख्या 9 से अधिक नहीं हो और एक साथ आराम के घंटे के सहित वे १२ घंटे से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए|
आरामके लिये साप्ताहिक छुट्टि:
कर्मचारी के लिए सात दिन की प्रत्येक अवधि में आराम का एक दिन मतलब छुट्टिका दिन, जो आम तौर पर रविवार होगा, (यदि नियोजकने सप्ताह में किसी भी कर्मचारी या कर्मचारियों के वर्ग के लिए आराम दिन के रूप में किसी दूसरे दिन का नियोजन किया हो| )
ओवरटाइम के लिए वेतन:
ओवरटाइम दर उन कर्मचारियों के लिए निर्धारित है जो वेतन अधिनियम के तहत निर्धारित हो| निर्धारित घंटों की संख्या से अधिक काम के किसी भी घंटे के लिए, निर्धारित ओवरटाइम दर के अनुसार, नियोजक उन अतिरिक्त घंटे के काम के लिए, संबंधित कर्मचारी को ओवरटाइम वेतन भुगतान करेगा| संबधित सरकार द्वारा या किसी अन्य कानून के तहत इस अधिनियम के अधिकार के तहत यह दर तय किया जा सकता है - जो भी दर अधिक है लागू किया जाएगा| नियोजक को एक ओवरटाइम समय रजिस्टर बनाए रखना चाहिए|
एक सामान्य कार्य दिवस से भी कम काम के लिए भुगतान योग्य वेतन
अगर एक कर्मचारी सामान्य कार्य दिवस से भी कम काम करता है, फिरभी वह पूरे दिन के काम के लिए वही निर्धारित किया वेतन प्राप्त करने के लिए हकदार है| जब तक काम है और कर्मचारी की काम करने की अनिच्छा हो अथवा कर्मचारी स्वेच्छा से काम नहीं करता, तो वेतन कम किया जा सकता है|
Re-narration by Amrapali in Hindi targeting India for this web page
વેબનું પુન: વર્ણન
Re-narration by Amrapali in Gujarati targeting Gujarat for this web page
वेतन का पुनरीक्षण:
वेतन का पुनरीक्षण 2 कारणों के लिए मुख्य रूप से आवश्यक है: १) मुद्रास्फीति (इन्फ्लेशन ) की वजह से पैसे की वास्तविक मूल्यंकी घटको ऊपलब्ध कराने करने के लिए और २) श्रमिकों को विकास के फल में साझा करनेके लिए |
या दोनोंके आधार पर .: उचित सरकारको न्यूनतम वेतन आधार तय करने विकल्प हैं|
या एक नंग के आधार पर निर्धारित किया जाता है?
या दोनोंके आधार पर .: उचित सरकारको न्यूनतम वेतन आधार तय करने विकल्प हैं|
Re-narration by Amrapali in Hindi targeting India for this web page